
Run At A Low Integrity Level

Designing Applications to Run at a Low Integrity Level

An easy way to run an application process at a low integrity level is to set the integrity level of the executable program file to low integrity. When that image file is launched, the application process is started with a low integrity level. For example, suppose we want to run the Windows Calculator application in a low integrity process. To run calc.exe at low integrity 1.Make a copy of c:\Windows\system32\calc.exe to a temporary folder.

2.Use the icacls program to set the integrity level of the temporary file, lowcalc.exe, to low integrity using the icacls command:

icacls lowcalc.exe /setintegritylevel low 

icacls C:/Windows/notepad.exe /setintegritylevel low

3.Run the low-integrity version of calc.exe.